'Kaiser Chiefs mixed with the Kooks' is how I've heard new London band The Rileys be described, and that seems to be fairly accurate to me. While they're not exactly the next [insert important indie band here], they don't aspire to be either, and their tunes are deliciously catchy. They came into my radio show, Audio Pleasure, last Thursday for an interview and session, and if I could work out how to separate their songs from the rest of the 2 hour mp3 I have of the show I would (if anyone knows how, please let me know!!). In the meantime, I'm not going to give you the mp3 of their single, Do you feel me?, because you should frankly go buy it on emusic, Amazon, iTunes or wherever you buy music from. One thing - be prepared to get the song STUCK IN YOUR HEAD. They're currently on tour across the U.K., I'm off to see them on Wednesday, which I'm very excited about!
Here is the video for Do you feel me?
It's not exactly the slickest production I've seen, but at least you now know how good/catchy/fun the song is so you can buy it!
In other news, apparently my Valentine's Day post has disappeared... Sad times. Oh well, I have been doing lots of catching up with new music this week and have some pretty nice licks coming your way very soon.
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