OK, admittedly lame title, but the wintry weather here in the UK has inspired me to create something of snowy playlist. Enjoy.
1. February Snow - Fell City Girl
- Utterly appropriate in name and theme, is there a more perfect song to listen to when all goes white during February?
(I can't find the mp3 for this, so it'll have to be the video)
2. A Winter's Sky - The Pipettes
- The girls clarion-clear harmonies are icy-cool. You can almost see their breaths curling through the winter sky as they sing this track. Or whatever.
3. A Hazy Shade of Winter - Simon & Garfunkel
- Every playlist is a bit better for some S & G, and this song sounds like when it's really bitterly cold and windy and you're trying to make your way through it all, and getting really angry with it.
4. Cold Wind - Arcade Fire
- A great song for travelling through snow. Plus it's about San Francisco. :)
5. The Cold Swedish Winter - Jens Lekman
- OK, it never gets quite this cold consistently in England, but this song is bound to warm the cockles.
6. In the Cold, Cold Night - The White Stripes
- I've taken to sleeping wearing sweats and a hoodie in bed. I'm sure having someone to snuggle up would be a better solution...
7. La Ritournelle (Mr Dan's Magic Wand Mix) - Sebastien Tellier
- Something about those bells just says winter to me, perfect for snuggling up with scarves and hats during the cold months.
8. Waiting for the 7.18- Bloc Party
- Having waited in the cold for a train many times this week, I can vouch that it is not fun. February really does seem endless...
9. Blood Bank- Bon Iver
- Bon Iver's chilly tracks always seem appropriate, and this song from his most recent E.P. of the same title (which I would heartily recommend) is great in this weather.
10. Weather to Fly - Elbow
- A little ironic, given that most airports have been closed, but somehow I don't think the line 'The days were shaping up/Frosty and bright' would work quite so well in warm weather.
[If you're wondering where Fleet Foxes' White Winter Hymnal is, look further down the page... I don't like repeating myself!]
Hope you enjoyed these tracks, I'm taking a break for the next few days but I'll see you soon.
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