As you may have heard, wintry weather has been in abundance here in England - and we are set for more. As such, I thought I'd kick off my New Year's Resolution by posting a refined version of my winter playlist...
Sebastien Tellier - La Ritournelle (Dan's Magic Wand Remix)
- don't the bells sound just like icicles? Just me then...
Jens Lekman - The Cold Swedish Winter
- because I'm sure the Swedes are used to this weather, but also because snuggling up with someone is the best way to spend a cold night
Elbow - Weather to Fly
- beautiful song, perfectly captures that frosty morning feeling
Mumford & Sons - Winter Winds
- bet Mumford & Sons are pleased they chose to release this single now! "Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night?" When temperatures are this cold, sometimes it's hard to tell...
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
- the archtypical winter's song, trust the Canadians to know how to do it.
The Pipettes - A Winter’s Sky
- romance isn't just for the Summer you know...
Grand Archives - Sleepdriving
- snow = treacherous driving. This song is that sleepy fed-up feeling when you know you've still got a long way to go
Laura Marling - Goodbye England (Covered in Snow)
- is there a more appropriate song right now? I think not.
Bon Iver - Blood Bank
- because every winter playlist must include a Bon Iver song (it does mean "good winter" in French after all), but the lyrics of this one are particularly poignant.
{photo courtesy of voithite on flickr}
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