Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Festive Frivolities numero 4 & 5

(Sorry for the break there - last minute Christmas preparations became a little too intense. Here's a double whammy to make up for it.)

Alternative Tracks:
1. Ron Sexsmith - Maybe This Christmas
Really simple, sweet, genuine little Christmas song. A little bit wistful, which can be how I end up feeling at this time of year. All I know about Ron Sexsmith is that he was touted as the next Robbie Williams at one point in his career - not a fantastic omen admittedly, but, still this sincere song is a must for a Christmas playlist. Plus there's bells in it!

2. Low - Just Like Christmas
I think Low actually released a whole album/EP of Christmas tracks, but this is the only one I know from it, and I think due to it being featured on The O.C. and other such suitably indie soundtracks it's the best known of the album. More bells here (always good for a Christmas song), and a similiarly sweet, wistful wintry feel. Good to escape to listen to when the presents/relatives/food combo becomes a bit much.

Traditional tracks:

1. Beach Boys - Little Saint Nick
Again, not necessarily all that traditional, but very seasonal, Little Saint Nick is Christmas, 'surfer' style ('surfer' in inverted commas because only one of the Beach Boys actaully surfed, but you get my point). Really fun, I reckon this is a good song to groove around the kitchen to do whilst doing the turkey.

2. The Ronettes - Sleigh Ride [youtube]
The Phil Spector Christmas canon is rather impressive, and I couldn't exactly make a Christmas compliation without including at least one. The Ronettes' version of Sleigh Ride is, in my book, the definitive one, with bells and horse-hoof noises to boot. It's frothy and just doesn't take itself too seriously, exactly what is needed at this time of year. Although, let me tell you, sleigh rides aren't half as fun as they're made out to be here...

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