I know, I know, I haven't posted in aaages. Blame... me. I'm lazy.
Anyways, the epic Summer playlist-making continues as blissful June weather makes having a job a painful experience.
Basement Jaxx - Raindrops [7digital]
The brand-new single from dance geniuses Basement Jaxx echoes through my head all day at work until I can get in my car and blast it out. The lyrics are probably hopelessly prophetic for the wash-out that the British Summer often turns out to be, but this track is a top contender for THE song of Summer 2009 (helped by the fact that the Jaxx KILLED IT when performing at my graduation ball!). The track can be streamed from Basement Jaxx's website, and is out now for just 50p from 7digital.com.
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead [youtube]
Passion Pit continue to be the blog darlings of 2009, remaining all over hypem et al. This song is actually one of their older ones - the more observant of you will have noticed that it made my best of 2008 list. Yet the sunny weather has made me realise how utterly perfect it is. For the hungover mornings I prefer the Landau 'Wake Up' Mix (available as part of their Chunk of Change EP)- a bit less squeaky, but still as feel-good. Their debut album, Manners, is out now, and actually lives up to the hype, get it now from wherever you buy music from.
[Artwork courtesy of jspad on flickr.com]